Tuesday 14 September 2010

Daging Salai Gulai Lemak CIli Api

My father-in-law was proud of his kampung, Rembau. He loves Lemak Cili Api & he loves beef......Over the years of my marriage, I have made an effort to learn the Negori dishes and my kids have developed the love of it....especially Daging Salai Lemak Cili Api.

Ingredients to blend for Gulai:
  • 2 inches fresh turmeric /kunyit hidup
  • 25 birds eye chillies /cili padi
  • 4 shallots /bawang merah kecil
  • 2 cloves of garlic /bawang putih

Other Ingredients for Gulai:

  • 2 lemongrass, bruised / serai,dititik
  • 3 cups coconut milk / santan
  • 2 cup water / air
  • 4 potatoes /kentang
  • 2 aubergine, halved (optional) / terung bulat, belah dua
  • 6 belimbing buluh (optional)
  • 2 ts salt

Ingredients for Smoked Beef / Daging Salai:

  • 1 kg beef, slit / dikelar
  • 2 tsp turmeric powder / serbuk kunyit
  • Banana Leaves / daun pisang

Method for Smoked Beef:
1. Smother the beef with the turmeric & salt.
2. Let it rest for about 1 hour, covered in a refrigerator.
3.Bake it in a preheated 180ºC oven , on banana leaves for about 45 minutes to an hour. Personally, the beef tastes better if smoked on an open fire.
4. Set aside and allow to rest for about 10 minutes.
5. Slice into strips.

Cara untuk Daging Salai:
1. Rumus daging dengan garam & kunyit serbuk.
2. Biarkan rehat selama 1 jam bertutup, dalam peti sejuk.
3. Bakar didalam oven yang panas nya 180ºC selama lebih kutang 1 jam. Kalau daging itu disalai diatas api, lebih sedap rasanya...lebih-lebih bahagian yang terbakar sikit-sikit.
4. Keluarkan dari oven & ketepikan. Biar rehat selama 10 minit.
5. Potongkan memanjang.

Method for Gulai Cili Api:
1.Put all blended ingredients, beef, lemongrass, tamarind skin and water in a pot. Allow to boil.
2. Put in the potatoes & aubergine. Reduce the flame.
3. Pour in the coconut milk.
4. Cook till potatoes & aubergine is done.
5. When serving, sprinkle with birds-eye chillies & belimbing buluh.

Cara untuk Gulai Cili Api:
1. Masukkan semua bahan dikisar, daging, serai, asam keping & air di dalam periuk & rebus sehingga mendidih & daging lemut.
2. Masukkan kentang & terung sehingga empuk. Kecilkan api.
3. Tuangkan santan.
4. Bila hidang, taburkan cili pade & belimbing buluh.


  1. HI marina, i was googling for gulai lemak and found your blog. Love it! Thanks for all the lovely recipes, check with you a few things regarding this recipe. 1. Can i substitute tamarind skin with tamarind paste? If yes, how much shall i use? Can i blend the tamarind paste and lemongrass together with the other paste ingredients? Reason being, i want to make extra and freeze. Thanks for your advice.

  2. Hi Esther,

    Tamarind paste would actually not be suitable for this recipe. If you do not have tamarind skin, you can just omit it.
    Lemongrass, however fine you grind it, will always have husks and will not give the fine texture, which is the character of this dish.
    You can freeze lemongrass whole and give it a quick bruise when cooking this Lemak Cili Api.
