Friday 25 April 2014

Chicken in Soy Sauce (using the PHILIPS Pressure Cooker)

Chicken in Soy Sauce
(using the PHILIPS Pressure Cooker)

Makes 4 servings

·      4 pieces of chicken
·      2 potatoes, cubed
·      1 carrot, cubed
·      1 cinnamon stick / kayu manis
·      5 cardamoms /pelaga
·      4 cloves / cengkih
·      1 star anise / bunga lawang
·      1 large onion, blended
·      4 garlic, blended
·      1 inch ginger, blended
·      2 tbsp tomato paste
·      1/3 cup sweet soy sauce
·       1 ½ tsp salt
·      1 tsp pepper
·      1 tomato, cut into wedges
·      2 red chillies, halved
·      2 large onions, sliced into thick rings
·      2 tbsp crispy fried shallots

1.    Put all the ingredients into the PHILIPS Pressure Cooker.
2.    Press ‘CHICKEN’ and ‘START’ making sure the vent is closed.
3.    Once the Ayam Masak Kicap is ready, sprinkle with crispy fried shallots when serving.


  1. Assalam.

    Saya ingin brtanya, masakan yg dimasak dalam pressure cooker ni xperlu ditumis dengan minyak ye? boleh puan share pengalaman pn?

  2. Wslm Fiza,

    Resipi2 saya tidak menumis sebab saya selalu juga mengajar memasak cara sihat di hospital2.

    Tapi, Fiza memang boleh menumis bawang2 dulu dengan menggunakan function 'BAKE' di PHILIPS Pressure Cooker. Kemudian apabila hendak memasak dengan pressure, tukar saja ke 'PRESSURE' function. Kalau terus masak macam biasa dengan 'BAKE' function pun boleh.
